Dance of words (Danse des mots)

Here you are, the woman along my way,
Inhabiting my mind, enlivening my hands each day.
May the alchemy of words transform this moment so fine,
Into a love rendezvous, an eternal paradigm.

These words, written for you, aim to touch your soul,
Seek to become caresses, for your pleasure as a whole.
If you allow, feel them permeate your being,
To sculpt into art the relationship we are foreseeing.

Enjoy them without detain, ride them quickly and true,
Like a virile member, hard and vigorous through and through,
But above all, like a wave that profiles your soul,
A sign of life, a blessed, satisfying role.

Let these words carry you and become a poem's theme,
Or a boat that challenges storms, the wildest of extremes,
To make you swing like a festival's delight,
Where we find ourselves in the arms of the one we hold tight.

Let me shout them aloud or whisper them in the night,
Waltz with them, if you will, like in a dance's light.
Listen to their music until you are boozed,
Read them with one hand, feeling liberated.



Living water (Eau vive)


Eyes (Yeux)